July 12, 2013

10 Camping Survival Skills The Pros Know

Surviving in the woods, mountains or other environments can be tough, especially if you don't have a well-developed set of outdoor survival skills. Serious campers and survivalists know to prepare for the unexpected and to stay aware of their surroundings. Before you spend an extended period of time in the wilderness, here are a few camping survival skills that you'll need to pick up.



1. Navigating - If you get lost, you'll need basic navigation skills to avoid retracing your stepsCamping Survival Skills
2. Identifying Potentially Dangerous Plants - Misidentifying a plant can result in an itchy rash, diarrhea or even severe dehydration. Your life could depend on your ability to avoid dangerous plant life, so when you head into a new area, make sure that you know how to identify indigenous plants.

3. Catching Fish and Small Animals - In a camping survival situation, a healthy human can live for weeks without food. However, you'll eventually need to eat, and animals are a safe choice if you're not a vegetarian (vegetarians lose the bacteria that they need to process meat, so it's a bad idea to suddenly shift your diet after only a few days in the wilderness). Campers should always bring fishing line with a high test rating along with a few hooks. Fishing line can also be used in a number of small animal traps.

4. Finding and Purifying Water - Knowing how to strain water through silver or create a solar still from a plastic bag can save your life in an emergency. At the very least, all campers should know to boil water to purify it before drinking. Humans can only live for about two days without a source of clean water. You can figure out directions by marking a point on a shadow, then waiting 10 minutes or so and marking the same point in its new location. By drawing a line, you can figure out east and west (the first point is west), and you can find north by standing with the first mark to your left and the second mark on your right.

5. Building a Fire Without Matches - To build a fire without matches, you'll need a soft rock and sticks to rub together. You can also create fire from polished aluminum or a magnifying glass. Fire is an important tool for survival, so test yourself before your next camping trip and make sure that you know how to build and nourish a campfire.
6. Setting a Broken Bone - If you break a bone, you should always head to a hospital as soon as possible. However, you'll need to know how to set a bone if rescue isn't an option. Learn how to build a splint, and while you're at it, learn CPR and other basic first aid for the benefit of your fellow campers.

7. Finding Shelter in Any Environment - You might not always have a great tent, so you should know how to build a basic shelter from a tarp, leaves, pine needles and whatever else you have at your disposal. Your body temperature can quickly drop in a cold area, so in an emergency, you should think about shelter before anything else.

8. Staying Warm - Likewise, you'll need to keep yourself off of the cold ground by any means possible. Learn about different types of clothing and always dress appropriately for your environment. Know how to find warm areas and how to insulate yourself from snow and frost.

9. Finding Firewood - You can't build a fire without firewood. The best wood is dry and old, so experienced campers know to look for the dead lower branches of larger trees. Small pieces of birches work great as kindling, and birch bark is fairly easy to light even after a few days of rain.

10. Taking Stock and Adapting - Your ability to adapt is your most important resource in the wilderness. Whether you're on a two-day camping trip or you're stuck on the side of a mountain for a week, you should always know your surroundings. Think about novel ways to use your materials and prioritize your needs. If you're able to stay calm and take a logical approach in unexpected situations, you'll be a much better camper and survivalist.

Tagged Camping Tips