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January 6, 2018

Cornbread Fritters

Another great snack for the trail, or make as a side to go with a main course. 

You’ll need:

  • Skillet or fry-bake pan. Try the Gonzo Grill or the Spire LX Camp Stove
  • ½ cup treated water
  • Paper towel
  • 2 cups cornbread mix
  • ½ cup canned corn
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • ¼ cup cooking oil
  • Paper towel

At home: Combine dry ingredients in a bag. Drain and rinse corn; place in leak-proof storage container.

At camp: Combine dry ingredients with treated water, stirring constantly until thick. Add oil to skillet and put on high heat. When oil is hot, dollop batter into oil and fry for about 3 minutes on each side like pancakes. Place finished fritters on paper towel to drain oil.