November 30, 2021

My Favorite Camping Trip of 2021

Brand Evangelist James with family camping out in the Eureka Copper Canyon LX 4 Tent

I was lucky to spend more than a few nights under the stars and in a tent in 2021. From nights in the Grand Canyon to watching the sunset in the Tetons and being scared of bears in Glacier National Park, I was able to experience some pretty amazing places.

But epic locations and once-in-a-lifetime trips didn’t take the #1 spot this year. It was the one night, close to home, shortest trip of the season: my first time camping as a family of four.

The first time my 8-month old daughter got to sleep in a tent. The first time my 2 year-old daughter got her own sleeping bag. And the first time my wife and I had to make bedtime happen for two kids in the woods.

Two kids bundled up at camp site standing in front of the Eureka! Copper Canyon XL 4 Tent

We kept it easy with an overnight trip at a beautiful but simple local state park. We made a simple meal at home and took to the campsite to be warmed up, we turned in early and were home for lunch the next day.

Don’t get me wrong. It certainly wasn’t the most relaxing trip of the year. But it was the most meaningful. I got to introduce my girls to the outdoors and share my love of nature. And it was priceless to spend quality time, uninterrupted by technology or the busyness of life, with the people I love the most.

So as I look ahead to 2022, I’m promising myself more of the simple trips and more time in the outdoors with the people I love.

Woman tossing bundled up baby in the air at campsite

Tagged Camping Trips